The Services offered by ezytrips.ae (as defined below) can only be used by Customers who have first read these General Terms and Conditions and accepted them unconditionally by clicking on the appropriate box provided for the purpose. It is not possible to proceed with the booking process without this acceptance. Customers undertake to fulfill the obligations contained within these terms and conditions. The agreement between Customers and ezytrips.ae comes into force as soon as ezytrips.ae provides written confirmation of a booking to Customers by email.

Article 1. Scope

1.1. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to offering and providing of the Services by ezytrips.ae. ezytrips.ae operates the Website which acts as an interface between the Customer and the various Suppliers offering the Services.

The General Terms and Conditions can be changed by ezytrips.ae at any time without prior notice, although such changes will not apply to bookings that have already been accepted by ezytrips.ae on behalf of the Supplier(s) concerned. It is therefore essential that the Customer reads, saves and/or prints a copy of the General Terms and Conditions at the time the booking is placed, in order to be aware of the provisions in force.

Ezytrips LLC is a travel agency registered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

2.1. The Customer's legal authority

The Website helps the Customer to find travel products and to make the necessary reservations, and acts as an interface in the transactions involved with the Suppliers. The Customer must be at least 18 years old, be legally authorized to enter into contractual obligations, have the requisite consent or authority to act for or on behalf of any persons included in a booking and must use the Website in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.

The Customer is responsible for his / her activities on the Website (financially or otherwise). The Customer guarantees that the information entered by him / her on the Website in relation to him / her and, if applicable, his / her travelling companions is accurate.

Any use of the Website that is fraudulent or is in conflict with these General Terms and Conditions shall be reason for refusing the Customer access to the Services offered by ezytrips.ae and the Suppliers or to the other functionalities of the Website.

2.2. Confirming and cancelling orders

2.2.1 Confirming

Confirmation of a booking, which includes the essential elements such as the description of the Service(s) booked and the price, will be sent to the Customer by e-mail. If the Customer does not receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of placing the booking, he / she should contact Customer Services at bookings@ezytrips.co

It is expressly agreed that the data stored in the information systems of ezytrips.ae and / or its Suppliers shall constitute proof with respect to the bookings made by the Customer. Data stored in computers or electronic media are valid proof, and shall therefore be acceptable under the same conditions and with the same evidential value as a physical written document.

2.2.2 Change of booking

If after making the booking the Customer wants to change the trip with respect to the date of travel, the destination, the place where the trip starts, the accommodation or the means of transport, the Customer should call ezytrips.ae or email bookings@ezytrips.co at least 72 hours before departure/check-in. A fee or fare difference may be imposed by the applicable Supplier in the event of a change to a booking. In order to change a Customer booking, ezytrips.ae sometime will need to cancel the original booking which may incur compensation and/or charges imposed by the Suppliers up to the full value of travel booked and Customers will need to pay for the cost of a new booking.

2.2.3 Restricted Fares

Unless otherwise stated by the Customer, it is assumed that the Customer requires the least expensive Services. Such services may be provided without any possibility of modification. In such cases, the Services cannot be provided in a different manner or at a different time or place to those contracted.

2.2.4 Force Majeure

If an unforeseen force majeure event which could not have been avoided if all due care had been exercised impedes implementation of the trip to a major extent, endangers it or interferes with it, then either party can terminate the contract. Where ezytrips.ae is the party affected by the force majeure, ezytrips.ae will provide Customers with prompt assistance and take the necessary measures to bring Customers back to the place where their package started. Any additional costs of the return transport will be covered by ezytrips.ae. Where Customers are the party affected by the force majeure, ezytrips.ae will not be obliged to refund them any sum for services which have not yet been performed. Customers will also be responsible for paying any additional costs associated with getting back to the place where their package began.

2.2.5 ezytrips.ae Travel's Liability

  • Own performance. As a careful business, ezytrips.ae is responsible for:
    • preparation of the trip;
    • careful selection and monitoring of Suppliers;
    • accuracy of description of travel offerings displayed on the Website insofar as ezytrips.ae have not reported a change in the specifications before concluding the contract or where such changes are agreed with the Customer after the contract is concluded. ezytrips.ae is not responsible for information not published by us, including information published in local, hotel or other brochures;
    • implementation of the travel contract.
  • Work for and by third parties. ezytrips.ae is not responsible for shortcomings in arrangements brokered by parties other than ezytrips.ae.

2.2.6 Limitation of Liability

  • Contractual limitation of liability.
    ezytrips.ae does not limit its liability for (i) loss caused by its fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation (ii) loss arising from death or personal injury caused by its negligence; or (iii) any other loss that may not be excluded or limited by applicable law. Otherwise ezytrips.ae shall be liable only for losses which arise directly: (a) from its breach of a legal duty of care; or (b) are a result of its breach of these General Terms and Conditions and that liability is at all times limited to a sum equivalent to three times the cost of the relevant travel product.
  • Limitation of third party liability
    Claims against ezytrips.ae for compensation are limited or excluded insofar as international treaties or other legal regulations that limit or exclude liability apply to the arrangements to be provided. Liability for air transport is governed by the applicable stipulations of international treaties including Warsaw, Montreal and The Hague Convention. These treaties limit the liability of the air carriers for death or causing physical injury as well as for the loss of or damage to baggage. Liability in the case of carriage by ship is also governed by the relevant legal or treaty stipulations.

2.2.7 Lapsing of Liability and Limitation Complaints Period

Claims based on implementation of the trip not being in accordance with the contract should be submitted within 30 days of the contractually-scheduled end of the trip. In that case, contact bookings@ezytrips.co or call our service numbers. Claims should be made in writing, in Customer's own interest. The limitation period begins on the day on which the trip should end, based on the contract

2.2.8 Cancel and Refund

Most of our airline tickets, hotels, pre-paid car rentals, vacation packages are non-refundable within 24 hours of service starting date and time.We can accept refund requests only if the following conditions have been met

  • You have applied for a cancellation and refund with us and if the fare rules provide for cancellation and refunds
  • You are not a "no show" (most "no show" bookings are in-eligible for any waiver from suppliers for refund processing)

Once you have provided our customer service agent with your cancellation request, we will then send you an email notification that your request has been received. This notification does not automatically qualify you for a refund. This only provides you with an acknowledgement of your request. Upon receipt of your request we will work with the suppliers such as airlines, hotels, car-rental companies to generate a waiver based on airline and other supplier rules and notify you of the supplier decision. Our services fees associated with the original travel reservation or booking are not refundable. Please note that we are dependent on the suppliers for receiving the requested refunds. Once the refund has been approved by the supplier it may take additional time for this to appear on your credit card statement. Generally, all suppliers will charge a penalty for refund. This entire process may take 60-90 days from receipt of your request to receiving credit on your statement. Apart from the airlines and other suppliers refund penalties, Ezytrips will charge a post-ticketing services fee, as applicable. All refund fees are charged on per-passenger, per-ticket basis. These fees will only be assessed if a refund has been authorized by the supplier or a waiver has been received and when the airline/supplier rules permit such refunds.

2.3. Travel documents

The travel documents provided for a Service ordered through the ezytrips.ae will be sent to the e-mail address given by the Customer when making his / her reservation.

Article 3. Specific Services

The purpose of this Article is to provide details of the terms and conditions of use of the Services provided by the Suppliers for the Customer's information

3.1. Accommodation Services

Accommodation is offered separately or as essential part of vacation package. The Services are subject to the Rules and Restrictions of the Suppliers offering the accommodation. The Rules and Restrictions may include restrictions on and/or charges for cancellation and/or changes imposed by the Suppliers.

Prices shown on the Website do not include any fees or charges for optional supplements, including minibar, snacks or telephone calls.

If a Customer does not show for the first night of the reservation and plans to check-in for subsequent nights in the reservation, the Customer must confirm the reservation changes with ezytrips.ae no later than the original date of check-in to prevent cancellation of the whole reservation. If the Customer does not confirm the reservation changes with ezytrips.ae the whole reservation may be cancelled and refunds will not be possible.

Customers should note that some hotels do not permit changes to or cancellations of reservations after they are made.

3.1.1. Use of rooms

The Customer is reminded that, in general, rooms are only available from 15:00 and have to be vacated by 12:00, irrespective of the time of arrival or departure or the means of transport used.

Single rooms generally have one bed and a supplement is often payable for these rooms. Double rooms usually have either two single beds or one double bed.

3.1.2. Classification

The indication of the comfort level given to hotels in the descriptions on the Website corresponds to a classification based on local standards in that country.

This classification is provided only as an indication. Customers should be aware that standards can vary between hotels of the same class in different countries, and even in the same country. It is important to read carefully the individual hotel descriptions. Accommodation in all hotels, whatever the rating, is in standard rooms unless otherwise stated.

3.1.3. Activities

It is possible that, from time to time particular activities offered by the Suppliers that are shown in the description of the accommodation on the Website are cancelled, for example as a result of weather conditions or force majeure, during out-of-season stays, or if the required number of participants for the activity is not achieved.

3.1.4. Meals

If meals are part of an accommodation package, the number of meals depends on the number of overnight stays. Full board normally includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Half board normally includes breakfast and either lunch or dinner, depending on the package. Accommodation which includes main meals generally commence with dinner on the day of arrival at the hotel and terminate with breakfast (on half board) or lunch (on full board) on the day of departure. If one or more meals cannot be taken, no refunds will be made.

The Customer is reminded that, unless specified otherwise on the Website, drinks are not included with meals. If drinking water is not available, the Customer will bear the cost of buying it himself / herself.

Parents are advised to bring special food for their baby with them, as this is not always available locally.

3.1.5. Taxes

The local authorities in certain countries may impose additional taxes (tourist tax, etc), which have to be paid locally. The Customer is exclusively responsible for paying such additional taxes. The amount of taxes can change between booking and stay dates. In the event that taxes have increased as at your stay date, you will be liable to pay taxes at the new higher rate.

3.2. Destination Services

Destination Services may be offered as part of a vacation package. These Services are subject to the Rules and Restrictions of the Suppliers offering the local activities and are not usually transferable, nor eligible for refunds or changes (unless cancelled by the Supplier).

3.2.1. Activities

It is possible that, occasionally, Services offered by the Suppliers that are shown in the description on the Website are cancelled for reasons such as weather conditions, force majeure, out-of-season stays, or if the required number of participants for the activity is not achieved. Full refunds will be processed in such circumstances.

3.3. Air Transport Services

Air transport services are subject to the Rules and Restrictions (including conditions of carriage, fare rules and restrictions) of the Supplier. The Rules and Restrictions may include restrictions on and/or charges for cancellation and changes.

If ezytrips.ae receives payment from the Customer for a booking of air transport services, ezytrips.ae acts as agent of the Supplier of the relevant air transport services. This means the Customer's contract for the air transport services is between the customer and the Supplier of the relevant air transport services.

3.3.1. Air transport terms and conditions

The Customer is responsible for complying with the instructions of the airline and/or tour operator, in particular with respect to flight check-in times. In particular, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that:

  • ezytrips.ae, has no control over the allocation of seats on any air transport, even if pre-booked with the airline, and does not guarantee that specific seats will be available on departure.
  • ezytrips.ae, has no control over any indications of the hours spent flying which are provided by the Supplier of the relevant air transport and are given for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation.
  • It is the Customer's responsibility to confirm his / her return flight in accordance with the requirements of the Supplier of the relevant air transport.
  • If Customer books a return journey and does not use the outward flight, the airline may cancel the return flight without refund. This also applies if the return flight is not taken and insofar as the travel is not taken at all. The Customer must use flight coupons in sequence.
  • In the case of special or charter flights, the name of the airline, the flight schedule, the aircraft type, the itinerary and possible intermediate stops are only given as an indication of the outward and return flights in the trip. In accordance with a Supplier's Rules and Restrictions, these flights, aircraft types and flight numbers can be subject to change, and can be moved by up to 24 hours, even after confirmation.
  • Additional charges may be imposed by some airlines for meals, luggage, preferred seat selection, etc. ezytrips.ae is not responsible for such charges and information on charges shown on the Website are for information only and may be amended by airlines at any time.
  • The Customer must comply with all air transport Supplier's Rules and Restrictions on the carriage of pregnant women.
  • The Customer must comply with the air transport Supplier's Rules and Restrictions on the carriage of children and in particular that children older than 2 years on the return date must have a return ticket at a child fare for both the outbound and inbound flights. Customers who do not comply with this will not be eligible for a refund of any seat charges incurred during travel. Children under 2 years will be allocated their own seat in the aircraft, unless a child fare has been booked for them. Unaccompanied children under 14 will only be carried in accordance with the air transport Supplier's Rules and Restrictions.

3.3.2 Combined one-way tickets.

ezytrips.ae may offer Customers the opportunity to book a combination of two one-way tickets instead of a roundtrip ticket. Combined one-way tickets may provide a greater choice of flights, are often cheaper and can be combined on the same airline or on different airlines.

Unlike roundtrip tickets, each one-way ticket is subject to its own rules, restrictions, and fees. If one of these flights is affected by an airline change (e.g. cancellation or rescheduling) that causes a Customer to make changes to the other flight, the Customer will be responsible for any fees incurred for making changes to the unaffected flight.

3.3.3. Administrative and / or health regulations

International Travel: you are responsible for ensuring that you meet foreign entry requirements and that your travel documents, such as passports and visas (transit, business, tourist, and otherwise), are in order and any other foreign entry requirements are met. ezytrips.ae has no special knowledge regarding foreign entry requirements or travel documents. We urge customers to review travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements, and advisories issued by the relevant governments prior to booking travel to international destinations.

Health: Recommended inoculations for travel may change and you should consult your doctor for current recommendations before you depart. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet all health entry requirements, obtain the recommended inoculations, take all recommended medication, and follow all medical advice in relation to your trip.

Disinfection: Although not common, most countries reserve the right to disinfect aircraft if there is a perceived threat to public health, agriculture or environment. The World Health Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization have approved the following disinfection procedures: (1) spray the aircraft cabin with an aerosolized insecticide while passengers are on board or (2) treat the aircraft's interior surfaces with a residual insecticide while passengers are not on board.

Passport is necessary for all travel related products offered on the Website. Some overseas countries have an immigration requirement that a Customer's passport is valid for a minimum period after the Customer enters that country, typically 6 months. If a Customer's passport is in its final year of validity, the Customer is advised to confirm the requirements of the destination before making final travel plans. The name on the passport must match the name on the ticket; otherwise the Customer may not be able to travel.

For information on visa requirements, Customers are advised to contact the embassy of the country they propose to visit.

Please note: It can often take some time to obtain a visa, so Customers are advised to apply in plenty of time. Requirements may change and you should check for up-to-date information before booking and departure. We accept no liability if you are refused entry onto a flight or into any country due to your failure to carry the correct and adequate passport, visa, or other travel documents required by any airline, authority, or country, including countries you may just be transiting through. This includes all stops made by the aircraft, even if you do not leave the aircraft or airport.

Although most travel, including travel to international destinations, is completed without incident, travel to certain destinations may involve greater risk than others. ezytrips.ae urges passengers to review any travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements and advisories prior to booking travel to international destinations.


A number of governments are introducing new requirements for air carriers to provide personal information about all travelers on their aircraft. The data will be collected either at the airport when a Customer checks in or in some circumstances when the Customer makes his/her booking. Accordingly, the Customer is advised to allow extra time to check in for his/her flight.

3.3.4. Special fares

The flight routes offered may include special fares which offer the best price, but do not necessarily take the most direct route. Some itineraries require a change of aircraft en-route. A flight that is described as direct is one where there is no need to change aircraft during the journey, however, stops may be made en-route for re-fuelling or to let passengers on and/or off.

Many, but not all, airlines provide special fares for children under 2 years. These discounts depend on the airline, the flight concerned, the availability of seats and the passenger's age.

Airmiles and vouchers from loyalty Programs may not be used when booking flights through the Website.

If the Customer has benefited from a discount, the associated special fares will be shown during the booking process before he / she confirms the reservation.

3.3.5. Liability

The Customer is reminded that an airlines' liability for death, personal injury and other damages is normally limited by national law, by an international air transport treaty, or by the airline's own Rules and Restrictions including their conditions of carriage.

3.3.6. Electronic ticket

An electronic ticket is a ticket with no physical form. When using this type of ticket, the Customer must go to the check-in desk of the airline concerned and show a valid travel document (passport, visa, identity card, etc.) in order to obtain his / her boarding card. The Customer must strictly observe the times for checking in.

3.3.7. No replacement passengers

Replacement passengers for flights may not be put forward.

3.3.8. Operating airlines

Customers are advised that in some cases flights booked with one airline may be operated by another airline.

3.3.9. Denied Boarding Compensation

If an airline cancels or delays a flight, is unable to provide previously confirmed space, fails to stop at a Customer's stop-over or destination point, or causes a Customer to miss a connecting flight on which a Customer holds a reservation, the Customer may be entitled to certain remedies from the airline.

Article 4. General

4.1. Travel Destinations

Although most travel, including travel to international destinations, is completed without incident, travel to certain destinations may involve greater risk than others. ezytrips.ae advises Customers to review any travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements and advisories.

By offering travel to particular international destinations, ezytrips.ae does not represent or warrant that travel to such destinations is advisable or without risk, and is not liable for damages or losses that may occur from travel to such destinations.

4.2. Prices

The price of the Services will be as quoted on the Website from time to time, except in cases of obvious error. Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect bookings already accepted.

4.3. Photographs and illustrations

ezytrips.ae does its utmost to provide photographs and illustrations that give the Customer a depiction of the Services offered. The purpose of these photographs and illustrations is to show the Customer the level of accommodation and the degree of comfort, and they must not be considered to be making any representation that exceeds this purpose.

4.4. Insurance

The package prices on the Website do not include travel insurance.

4.5. Promotions & Offers

  • In case you cancel the booking (in part or full) the entire Promotion availed for the said booking will be deducted from the refund amount.
  • Offers & Promotions shall be non-transferable, non-negotiable and non-encashable.
  • Offers & Promotions cannot be clubbed with any other offer available on www.ezytrips.ae
  • Offers & Promotions are Valid on Adult & Child bookings only. Not valid for Infants
  • The products and services offered by ezytrips.ae are governed by the Terms of Use prescribed by Ezytrips on its website and as amended from time to time. The terms and conditions of Offers & Promotions are subject to change without any prior notice. Ezytrips reserves the right to change or withdraw the Offer anytime at the sole discretion of the Management. Disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Dubai, UAE.

Article 5. Financial conditions and payment procedures

Unless specified otherwise in the Rules and Restrictions, the prices of the Services shown on the Website are expressed in user desired currency, excluding local taxes which may be imposed by the authorities in some countries.

The price of Services booked on the Website or by telephone must be paid to ezytrips.ae which will accept such payments on behalf of the Suppliers.

ezytrips.ae provides cash on delivery and bank deposit payment options in some countires and payment should received by ezytrips.ae as soon as possible, otherwise booking will be cancelled. ezytrips.ae doesn’t guarantee prices & availability quoted until a full payment is received.

Article 6. Customer Service and the handling of complaints

Queries or requests for information should be sent to bookings@ezytrips.co or a Customer can call on directly.

Complaints should be sent by email to bookings@ezytrips.co , which will receive them on behalf of the Suppliers. For ease of resolution. Customers are encouraged to bring their complaints within 30 days of the end of a trip.

In general, complaints will only be dealt with if the issues mentioned during the trip (or as soon as reasonably practicable), or to the carrier if the dispute arose during the outward or return journey, so that measures can be taken to resolve the problem and in order to limit the damage suffered by the Customer. However, exceptions may be made depending on the circumstances.

Complaints about loss of, theft of or damage to luggage, clothing or personal belongings that were not under the Customer's control during the stay should be addressed to the airline or hotel directly.

Article 7. ezytrips.ae's Liability

The Customer accepts that where ezytrips.ae acts as an interface between the Customer and the Suppliers, ezytrips.ae will under no circumstances be held liable with respect to Services the Customer has booked with one or more Suppliers.

Hotels, flights and tours displayed on this Website have been provided by the respective Suppliers, and ezytrips.ae does not accept any liability for any inaccuracies.

Customers should note that all hotel ratings shown are intended as guidance only and may not be an official rating. ezytrips.ae does not accept any liability in relation to the ratings shown.

Article 8. Copyright and Trademark Notices

ezytrips.ae" is registered trademark. All rights reserved.Copyright of all material displayed on this website. Anyone accessing this website may view and print material from this website for information purposes only. Any copyright material of this website is strictly restricted to non-commercial use only and must include this copyright notice. ezytrips.ae is the owner of the trademarks "ezytrips.ae". Other trademarks and service marks displayed on this Site are the trademarks and service marks of their rightful owners.

Article 9. Disclaimer

Except as expressly set out in these General Terms and Conditions, all the information contained in this Website is provided without any warranty (either express or implied) or implied term of any kind, including but not limited to any implied warranties or implied terms of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. All such implied terms and warranties are excluded. By accessing this Website, the Customer agrees that ezytrips.ae will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the Website, any delay or inability to use the Website, or from the Customer's use of links from the Website. The exclusions and limitations contained in this clause apply only to the extent permitted by law.

Article 10. Applicable Law

These General Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of United Arab Emirates. The Customer agrees that the United Arab Emirates Courts shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any dispute arising from the interpretation and/or arising herefrom.

Article 11. Final Provisions

If ezytrips.ae does not invoke one of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions at any one moment, this must not be interpreted as a session of the right to invoke it at a later date.

If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions (or part of any provision) is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to form part of this agreement with the Customer and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected.

Every instance of force majeure, including the interruption of means of communication or a strike by carriers, hoteliers or air traffic controllers, will lead to the suspension of the obligations in these General Terms and Conditions that are affected by the force majeure event and the party affected by the force majeure event shall not be liable as a result of the inability to meet such obligations.

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